Accidentally taking a 60 cent beer when the others cost 1 Euro.
That's no Accident! That's fate! anyway the beer was good none the less.

Today was a laid back day, mainly because it was Sunday.
I made a couple of plans for Monday.
Calling some banks, chatting with some phone companies, the usual.

I decided at around 19:00 to walk about Checkpoint Charlie
(oh, the mind of a tourist is still inside me).
It was pretty much the most tourist place I've ever seen,
second only to Alexanderplatz.
On my way there, I saw an Aroma branch..
Seriously? Is Aroma that good? they really needed to
branch out in Berlin? what gives?

and Here are a couple of pictures from Checkpoint Charlie
(it's being renovated so there are only posters right now).

I also loved the fact that there's a McDonald's right next to the
US Army Checkpoint, coincidence? I think not!

Afterwards I went to Köpi, which is a Squat in Kopernikusstraße.

It was nice, but I left before anything interesting was going on...
Have to go to sleep early for tomorrow.