Are tablets a step back ?
Are tablets a step from prosumers to consumers?
First, for clarification's sake, Prosumer is a combination of the words producer and consumer,
made in the last few years because of the serge of social media websites.
Today there are many major websites (Facebook,YouTube,Twitter),
where the user is a (relatively) valuable contributer to the website itself.
However, on 2010 we saw a birth of a (presumably) new line of products, called Tablets (or at least it became popular, like many things after they are Appled).
The interaction with a tablet is so straight forward that virtually anyone could just pick it up and start playing with it.
However, it is also so simplified that most if what is done on it is for entertainment purposes.
Many would suggest that tablets are the Television of the 21st century.
What worries me personally, is that tablets might be widespread and affordable
enough that the average individual will not own a computer anymore. Just a tablet.
Thus not feeling so inclined to produce (may it be written, visual, programming, video editing), but to consume.
Furthermore, tablets do not have nearly as much computing power as regular Desktop (or even Laptop) computers have, thus limiting the options a user have with them.
Tablets are mostly closed hardware, which is not upgradable (is that a word?), or easy to mess around with.
This seems like a minor thing to most people, who don't really know how to do it anyways, but people have to understand that without open technology, innovation in said field would be more difficult, and thus slow down significantly.