Small upgrades to your workspace

After another cross-country move, I've had to leave my mighty Workspace behind (complete with 2 monitors and a fierce Desktop PC). I've taken my Laptop with me, thinking that's really all I need, as I could do all my work while sitting in a park meditating (or some other ridiculous notion). Obviously I was totally wrong!
After a few months I started feeling pains in my wrists, as it turns out - laptop keyboards are not the most ergonomic things in the world. Not to mention both my neck and back were tight because I kept looking down at the screen (Laptop screens should be detachable, or at least up-down adjustable, come on, this is 2016).
It really surprises me that Laptops have evolved so little, barely accomodating to the fact that they're being used as main computers these days, instead of as "a computer on the go" (what is this, 2002?).
So I decided to do some upgrading: got a comfortable desk, a mouse, and a keyboard.
The keyboard took a bit of research, I had a tendency towards Microosft Natural Ergonomic Keyboard 4000.
The only issue was that the keyboard was GIGANTIC, and wouldn't really fit into the keyboard tray I have.

At first I was skeptical. No way can an €11 Keyboard deliver a good experience. I have to admit, the keys are as smooth as butter! The mouse was a good choice too (went with the VicTsing Wireless Mouse), but it wasn't as important since my main tool is the keyboard anyways.