AWS Woes

Why is it not possible to have a single CNAME record on Cloudfront, but it is on Cloudflare?

Why is connecting a domain (with SSL) to an AWS S3 bucket not a simple 2-step solution using internal AWS components (such as Route 53 and Cloudfront)?

Connecting a domain to an S3 bucket is literally a 2-step process with a 3rd party provider (namely Cloudflare). Not sure how this flow isn’t already covered by AWS.

Connecting a domain to S3 using Cloudflare

  1. Create a domain on Cloudflare.
  2. Create an S3 bucket that matches the domain. Make sure it’s enabled for Static Website (under Properties).
  3. Add a CNAME record You’re done!

Connecting a domain to S3 using Cloudfront

  1. Create a hosted zone on Route 53.
  2. Create an S3 bucket that matches the domain. Make sure it’s enabled for Static Website (under Properties).
  3. Create a Cloudfront distribution that points to the S3 website endpoint.
  4. Struggle with configuring it just right in order to get it to work together. ???
  5. Connect using Cloudflare.