5th day in Berlin
Accidentally taking a 60 cent beer when the others cost 1 Euro. That's no Accident! That's fate! anyway the beer was good none the less. Today was a laid back day, mainly because it was Sunday. I made a couple of plans for Monday. Calling some banks, chatting with some phone companies, the usual.Posted in BerlinThird Day in Berlin
<a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/Asaf.Zamir/Berlin3rdDay?authkey=Gv1sRgCIS7r8afye_dtAE&feat=directlink"><strong>For all the pictures, click here</strong></a> Nothing like going to the Anmeldung (registration office) to register and hearing those 2 beautiful words: Näschste Woche! (next week …Posted in BerlinFirst day in Berlin
There are 2 things I found out about on the first day:
Posted in BerlinSecond day in Berlin
An amazing step ahead: I got an adapter today! Well, it wasn't so much an adapter as it was a cable since the adapter didn't match. None the less, I went to the Cellular Phone Shop (O2) and found out that in order to buy a phone contract (vertrag) I need to have a bank account (local). And so, I …Posted in Berlin