• Okara madness! (or: Recipe for Okara Burgers)

    Friday afternoon I made 3 Liters of Soy Milk (which now I can say in retrospect... that was waaaay too much).<a href="{{< siteparam "mediaBucket" >}}/2011/10/crab-cakes5.jpg"><img class="size-thumbnail wp-image-1128 alignright" title="Okara" src="{{< siteparam "mediaBucket" …
  • Rehberge Park & Plötzensee

    Today I went walking to Rehberge Park, which is 10 minutes from my house, and honestly, I can't believe I didn't go there sooner. Living for about 3 months in Wedding, this was my first walk in the park, and I will surely come more often from now on. <a …
  • Birthday

    Today is the first birthday I celebrate since moving to Germany.
    In the past year I have done quite a lot.
    Essentially, I've changed from being a young guy
    having most of my life taken care of,
    to a completely independent person.
    all that In a foreign country with but a
    basic understanding of the language and the way things work.

  • The new Rail in Jerusalem

    I've had the chance to visit (last Friday) Jerusalem, on the first day of the new Rail (Metro). The tickets are free (!!) for the next 2 weeks, and the ride is pretty comfortable, although I would suggest getting there earlier than 10:30 (it gets pretty crowded later).
  • A day in Szczecin

    <div>Yesterday I went with a couple of friends to the city of Szczecin, Poland. A remarkably nice city, with many beautiful buildings. Naturally you can see the Griffin in almost every one of them, as well as many old German scriptures, some erased by the Soviets at that time.