• First day German Course

    Today was my first day at the German Course. I find it really interesting that we speak only German and nothing but.<a href="{{< siteparam "mediaBucket" >}}/2010/11/classroom.jpg"><img class="alignright size-thumbnail wp-image-558" title="classroom" src="{{< siteparam "mediaBucket" …
  • First day at the new Gym

    Today was my first day at the new Gym.
    Because I already know my routine by heart (having a couple of years experience), I just started to exercise.
    I must say - it was awesome.
    First off, as oppose to regular gyms in Israel the music wasn’t as loud as hell and not so shitty (I even caught a Linkin Park song which is perfect for training ).
    In general the training was AWESOME (just like a training should be!).
    Exercising really focuses me, I must admit, I do get more productive
    when I’m in a good exercise routine.

  • New Bike!

    Today I got a new Bike!
    Had to go to Wedding (a part of Berlin), to get them but it was worth it
    75 euro mint condition (really new looking)

  • Why Germany Rocks

    Today I went to the supermarket to do some grocery shopping. I came back after a long walk and buying everything I need, only to find out the one thing everyone who lives alone is afraid of: I forgot my keys inside!<a href="{{< siteparam "mediaBucket" >}}/2010/11/keys.jpg"><img class="alignright …
  • The Two City Halls

    Today I learned the difference between the Bezirksamt (Districts Office) of Neuköln's and Friedrichshain's. After taking a shower and doing an hour or so of work, I got out at 10 to go to Neuköln's Rathaus (City Hall). There I saw a huge line stretching up until the end of the street. The funny …