First day German Course
Today was my first day at the German Course. I find it really interesting that we speak only German and nothing but.<a href="{{< siteparam "mediaBucket" >}}/2010/11/classroom.jpg"><img class="alignright size-thumbnail wp-image-558" title="classroom" src="{{< siteparam "mediaBucket" …Posted in BerlinFirst day at the new Gym
Today was my first day at the new Gym.
Because I already know my routine by heart (having a couple of years experience), I just started to exercise.
I must say - it was awesome.
First off, as oppose to regular gyms in Israel the music wasn’t as loud as hell and not so shitty (I even caught a Linkin Park song which is perfect for training ).
In general the training was AWESOME (just like a training should be!).
Exercising really focuses me, I must admit, I do get more productive
when I’m in a good exercise routine.Posted in BerlinNew Bike!
Today I got a new Bike!
Had to go to Wedding (a part of Berlin), to get them but it was worth it
75 euro mint condition (really new looking)Posted in BerlinWhy Germany Rocks
Today I went to the supermarket to do some grocery shopping. I came back after a long walk and buying everything I need, only to find out the one thing everyone who lives alone is afraid of: I forgot my keys inside!<a href="{{< siteparam "mediaBucket" >}}/2010/11/keys.jpg"><img class="alignright …Posted in BerlinThe Two City Halls
Today I learned the difference between the Bezirksamt (Districts Office) of Neuköln's and Friedrichshain's. After taking a shower and doing an hour or so of work, I got out at 10 to go to Neuköln's Rathaus (City Hall). There I saw a huge line stretching up until the end of the street. The funny …Posted in Berlin