Mixed signals
At the beginning you were up front.
6 before but still not sure, what you want.
Interest replaced with slight disgust.
Disguise yourself if you must..
Hope you won’t left with no one to trust.Posted in BrainstormingRepost: The things you dare not think about
Too many have fallen to indifference
From reality they build another fence
The mice belong to the suits
On their command you wear the boots
And now it all begins.Posted in BrainstormingThe album is incomplete
I look at the past, I roll the years forward with my fingers.
One gesture and a year has passed.
I skip through our lives in seconds.
All the memories, the moments, the look you had in your eyes,
subtle changes we made in our appearances.Posted in BrainstormingPuzzle
All Men are Psycho-Chemically Equal.
Different combination of DNA makes us different.
Similar to a puzzle, except there’s no right or wrong
combination. We get the pieces on the start.
Our Parents help us to assemble it similar to their.
Our Friends make it more interesting,
but at the end, we decide how to solve our puzzle.Posted in BrainstormingWave
Up, after a night long comatose, I’m finally awake.<a href="{{< siteparam "mediaBucket" >}}/2010/12/Big_wave.jpg"><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-588" title="Big_wave" src="{{< siteparam "mediaBucket" >}}/2010/12/Big_wave.jpg" alt="" width="194" height="146" /></a> Blurred eyesight …Posted in Brainstorming