• Why I Write

    I write because I must, not only because I want to.<a href="{{< siteparam "mediaBucket" >}}/2010/11/pen1.jpg"><img class="alignright size-thumbnail wp-image-575" title="pen" src="{{< siteparam "mediaBucket" >}}/2010/11/pen1-150x135.jpg" alt="" width="150" height="135" /></a> I don’t decide to write …
  • My Chemical Romance - Danger Days

    Recently I've been listening to My Chemical Romance's new Album: Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys.<a href="{{< siteparam "mediaBucket" >}}/2010/11/220px-MCR_Dange_Days_Front.jpg"><img class="alignright size-thumbnail wp-image-553" title="220px-MCR_Dange_Days_Front" src="{{< …
  • System Failure

    It is simple to see that when you don’t cut taxes to the rich,
    they take their business elsewhere, to more profitable less taxing countries.
    The main problem is that those countries usually have a great dictatorship
    that allow the leader to do horrible things to its people, things that would not pass
    in a democracy.
    Since there is no way for us to compete with the conditions in the other countries.
    We need to realize that the natural process with the current system is further loss
    of human rights, for to be more economically valuable you must forgo your rights,
    you must keep up with people more and more desperate of getting jobs.
    Ideally we might get into a point where there’s a market of humans being
    stored on shelves and examined to see if they fit for duty.

  • The Earth as an Organism

    <a href="{{< siteparam "mediaBucket" >}}/2010/11/earth.gif"><img class="alignright size-thumbnail wp-image-515" title="earth" src="{{< siteparam "mediaBucket" >}}/2010/11/earth-150x150.gif" alt="" width="150" height="150" /></a>How many organisms are there on this planet? In order to answer that …
  • The Future of Mankind

    With this ambitious headline I want to share with you my thoughts about the future of medicine, the future of the process of extending our lifespan which, if you ask me, is what medicine is all about.. expanding life expediency with the maximal quality of life as well.