Decisive but not saddened. Looking towards the future with more clarity. Simple, Interesting, Great. Unknown, Vague, Gray. Threatening, Serious, Joking.Posted in BrainstormingLearn Something Every Day
I found a cool new website with a short comic every day.
So every day you learn something, but mostly it's just silly facts.
My favorites are:Posted in BrainstormingHow I created an Auto-backup using Git
During work  we use to have a really stressful time. Everyone was using each other's folders (mainly happens in new projects... and an overenthusiastic project designer). After 3-4 accidental deletions of my project folder, I decided to simply backing up once a day is not enough. So I created a bash …Posted in Brainstorming, TechnologyThe Ultimate Rock Party Mix
<div>I'm having a party in a couple of days.</div> <div>Now, one of the most important things at parties is definitely the music.</div> <div>So, I decided to make a playlist from scratch.</div> <div>The key is not to make sharp moves, smooth things and let the music roll.</div> <div>So here it is, …Posted in BrainstormingHappy New Year! Let's learn about the Greeks :)
For the New year I have decided to do something nice. I went and uploaded some lectures from the course "TTC - Famous Greeks". This is a really fascinating course and I'm sure you'll enjoy it. Really makes you think about the democracy in today's world, and perhaps other ways of living (check out …Posted in Brainstorming