ImageDock - Image Gallery plugin for WordPress with a Dock effect
Since I'm on vacation, this will be a short article (I haven't forgotten about the Meteor tutorials, they're coming!).
Posted in TechnologyMeteoro - Pomodoro App on Meteor
Posted in TechnologyWP Plugin Packer - Create Plugin Packs for WordPress
WP Plugin Packer - In the past few weeks (on my free time), I developed an interesting idea of mine into a WordPress plugin called.
Posted in TechnologyDo not send me my password via Email
A few days ago, for the first time in literally years, I received an Email from a website i signed up to, containing the password I used to sign up.
Posted in TechnologyTom Wheeler is not a Dingo!
In a big, massive, amazing move, the FCC has decided to approve the Net Neutrality rules!
This would mean that internet companies don't have the risk of paying extra to ISPs so they won't throttle their bandwidth.
Just as a reminder if anyone thinks this is purely a theoretical subject, when Netflix was negotiating with Comcast for an agreement, they throttled the hell out of their speeds:Posted in Technology