Why Meteor is the dominating Full Stack framework
Today I've decided to check the status on various JS Frameworks: Meteor, Express, Sails.js, MeanJS, AngularJS, Backbone.js, and Ember.js.
Posted in TechnologyWordPress - make a file download on a plugin settings page
I've been working on a WordPress plugin lately, and one thing I've been trying to do is to create a file download out of some plugin settings (i.e. text data, json file).
Posted in TechnologyWhy are App Stores charging so much for In-App Purchases?
Recently I've started building apps (again), namely a cross platform game that I personally find pretty addictive.
As part of the potential plans to create revenue from this game (would be nice to get a small return for the development hours, not to mention future updates), I've considered a few possible plans:Posted in TechnologyPush your WordPress Plugins directly from GitHub
If you're developing Themes/Plugins and want to update them on various websites you own/manage, it can be quite a hassle.
One way would be to use WP Remote and bulk update all your plugins and themes.
This method assumes that all your plugins are on Wordpress.org, where most Plugins/Themes are.
The problem with that is that it's not always the case, you wouldn't want to submit your plugin to Wordpress.org if:Posted in TechnologyLinux rant & Tmux
Most people that are involved with tech (managers, bloggers, etc) have heard of Linux, and are pretty familiar with it (unlike a decade ago when it was programmers only).
We can see it in every server these days, but more importantly - Android is based on Linux, and those Smartphones have the majority of the market share.
So, is Linux ready for mainstream usage? I'm talking about Laptops & Computers who run Linux for personal use, is it time?Posted in Technology