Automate WordPress with WP CLI
How long does it take you to install a new WordPress website?
Do you have a collection of plugins you constantly use for every WordPress website you install? Does the same go for themes?
What about some dummy data? Do you have to add some posts and pages every time?Posted in TechnologyWP Remote - Manage multiple WordPress websites
For every developer building websites for small to medium sized businesses, there’s the classic dilemma of hosting:
Posted in TechnologyIonic Framework - AngularJS for Mobile Apps
I never thought I’d ever see a non native app working so smoothly.
Get your Android / iPhone and install Sworkit app on it.
Here are some pictures from the App:Posted in TechnologyWhy Facebook is making a PHP renaissance
I'm gonna be honest, I care about servers.Posted in TechnologyGenerating with MeanJS and Yeoman Generator
One of my favorite things with Yii is the Gii (Generator).
With a few clicks I could simply add a few Models/Controllers/Views (or all of the above), then build/customize those.Posted in Technology