Python's virtualenv, Ruby's RVM and PHP's vagrant
Let's learn about sandboxing our environments shall we?
Posted in TechnologyRemote Debugging on Mobile
If you're doing mobile development, you probably know how frustrating it is and how difficult it could be for debugging.
This is of course true unless you have some great tools to help you on your development process.Posted in TechnologyAn interview with the founder of Small Improvements
This week I published the interview I've conducted with Per Fragemann, the founder of Small Improvements.
I've really enjoyed conducting this interview and I believe it is full of insights about starting your own venture in general, as well
as starting out in Berlin.Posted in TechnologyFree Programming Books
Posted in TechnologyMy heart bleeds for System Admins
If you’re working in System Administration or DevOps, you will be asked for years to come:
Where were you on the fateful day April 7th 2014 ? The day the internet had to upgrade its servers.Posted in Technology