Nexus 5 is out!
The new Google Nexus is out,
with 2.3 GHz processor, Android 4.4
8 MP camera, it's a sweet deal for 399 Euro (for the 32GB model).Posted in TechnologyCustomizing Django Serializers
Django Serializers are suppose to take entries from your DB
and serialize in either Json or XML.
The problem is, they’re not very customizable,
and their defaults are not what I was looking for.Posted in TechnologyDrupal - Probably not for Developers
I've been developing for Drupal for many years now (about 8),
but it was only for the first year that I used it with my own projects.
Afterwards I only used Drupal when clients demanded it.
Why did I never choose Drupal for my own projects?
Because when a choice was given,
I had no reason to use it - I can code.Posted in TechnologySnippets everywhere!
Snippets are small chunks of code usually used again and again in different settings.
For instance, in order too see what a variable holds in PHP you writePosted in TechnologyHover Effect in Javascript (like in FireBug)
Or: Making a Select element effect.
Posted in Technology