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Thanks DALL-E!
This week I wasn't able to continue my writing about MeanJS (relocation takes a LOT of your otherwise free time apparently). So I've assembled a short list of some tips learned in the past few weeks: Github's quick file search When looking for a specific file on a repository that's...
Sometimes when I start a new project, the work is pretty intense. The first few weeks usually involve major changes to the directory structure. It's very important (at least for me) to keep it as flexible as possible in the beginning so as not to get stuck with something unreliable...
During work  we use to have a really stressful time. Everyone was using each other's folders (mainly happens in new projects... and an overenthusiastic project designer). After 3-4 accidental deletions of my project folder, I decided to simply backing up once a day is not enough. So I created a...