AgriCatch source released
Hello everyone!
Today is a great day to release some projects to the wild!Posted in TechnologyCustomizing Django Serializers
Django Serializers are suppose to take entries from your DB
and serialize in either Json or XML.
The problem is, they’re not very customizable,
and their defaults are not what I was looking for.Posted in TechnologyWhy I chose Python over PHP
Or: Why I chose Django over Yii
Posted in TechnologyTemplating in Django
I've been trying to make a template layout for Django that makes sense, something similar to existing PHP frameworks, where the head section is in one file, and the body is in another.
Posted in TechnologySlugifying German string with Python
I'm working on this project that has some German titles, and a lot of irregularities inside them
(question marks, underscores, etc.)
Because I have to refer the object (in this case product) by some sort of understandable name, I've decided to slugify the title
(basically turn "THIS EXAMPLE!!" to "this-example") While I'm already doing that, I wanted to cleverly switch the "ä,ö,ü,ß" to "ae,oe,ue,ss" accordingly.
I'm pretty sure this might be useful to someone, and it's pretty harmless to share it so...
this gist was born, and the code is:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- def replace_all(text, dic): for replace_with, replace_what in dic.iteritems(): if type(replace_what) is list: for letter in replace_what: text = text.replace(letter,replace_with) else: text = text.replace(replace_what, replace_with) return text #example input: ssdfSERFS - ^#$%43 GSDG ____ :VKbm sdF öüoäßßEF_____-___ d a s d _e <>DFGDFG???? #example output: ssdfserfs-43-gsdg-vkbm-sdf-oeueoaessssef-d-a-s-d-e-dfgdfg def slugify(string,params = []): import re #unescape html entity signs (e.g. &amp; -> &) & lowercase string import HTMLParser string = HTMLParser.HTMLParser().unescape(string).lower() translation_dic = { 'ae' : ['Ä','ä','&Auml;','&auml;'], 'oe' : ['Ö','ö','&Ouml;','&ouml;'], 'ue' : ['Ü','ü','&Uuml;','&uuml;'], 'ss' : ['ß','&szlig;'], } string = replace_all(string,translation_dic) string = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9\_\-\s]','',string) string = re.sub(r'[\s]{2,}',' ',string) string = string.replace(' ','-').replace('_','-').strip(' -') string = re.sub(r'[\-]{2,}','-',string) return string
Posted in Technology